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Skip to main content. According to the group's founder and songwriter, Kurt Marschke, "the first record had distribution in England, so we went there. English Choose a language for shopping. Please try again later. You get the hell out of Dodge, that's what. Whatever the lineup, Marschke keeps to his game plan, although, as the disc goes on, it becomes apparent that his sense of country music is not the same as that of the Stones , i. These guys get better and better. deadstring brothers silver mountain

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Silver Mountain - Deadstring Brothers | Songs, Reviews, Credits | AllMusic

ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. A near perfect melding of the Brothers' cut-throat country rock with an edgier, soulful sound that allows sultry backing singer Masha Marjieh a chance to step out of the shadows and shine on their third album. TOPY and Genesis P-Orridge's knowing adoption of cult iconography and organizing principles quickly slid from satiric brotehrs to full embrace -- and we all went along with it. But the players on the individual tracks of the record include such stalwarts as keyboardist Ross Westerburbass player Phil Skarichand percussionist Eric Hoegemeyeramong others.

Slow Down Slow Down.

Deadstring Brothers

Prices may vary for AK and HI. Stream or buy on: Elsewhere, the Deadstring Brothers tip their Stetsons to the outlaw movement with the inclusion of the Leon-Russell-penned "You Look Like the Devil" as their sole cover, a song previously recorded brotherw Willie Nelson on his album Shotgun Willie. Sample this album Artist Sample.

deadstring brothers silver mountain

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bbrothers Joyous and raw, rollicking and feverish - this is the sound of a band coming into it's own. Heavy Load Heavy Load. The leader and guitarist Kurt Marschke has found a wonderful blend of classic rock that is neither overproduced nor commonplace. It's a shame more people don't know deasstring this kick-ass band. Queen of the Brotjers Queen of the Scene. The party continues with the spit-and-sawdust rocking blues of "Queen of the Scene", a piece of barroom brilliance that sees Marjieh share vocal duties with Marschke, while the bluegrass-inflected title-track, replete with trilling mandolin and earthy cello, along with the slow burning, soulful edginess reminiscent of early Little Feat or the Band on "Some Kind of User" the only track where Marjieh is absentslows things down considerably.

I can't wait to see these guys. Write a customer review. Ships from and sold by Amazon. While they definitely sound like the early 70's Stones they somehow avoid sounding like a rip-off. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon.

Silver Mountain

Jeff Feezle of Macafeez. Go Unlimited Start your day free trial.

deadstring brothers silver mountain

Set up a giveaway. View Cart Proceed to checkout. Ring Smart Home Security Systems. Please come to California!!!!!!! With Silver Mountain successfully building upon the excellent rootsy rock 'n' roll of the band's two previous albums, while also finding an invigorated voice through the rough-edged, soulful stylings of Marjieh, it appears the time has finally come for the Deadstring Brothers to go kick-ass and take numbers country-style down where the Delta meets Motor City via the Wild West End.

It's curious to sequence an album this way. Admittedly, there are moments, as on the sublime, plaintive country ballad "If You Want Me To", where Marschke's Jaggeresque vocal stylings inexorably conjure up images of the Stones' early '70s output, but these are the exception rather than the rule now.

There's a problem loading this menu right now. What to do when you've formed an alt-country band in a Michigan steel city at the height of a garage-rock revolution?

Does not brofhers to gift orders. Eurotrash bargain basement new wave dance pop, with the occasional moody detour, is business as usual for Stereo Total, and business is good on Ah! Good use of steel guitar on the deeadstring songs, and the harmonica is a nice touch on the final songs too.

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