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By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Recognising these alternative roads of progress and decline, one should so direct oneself so that one's wisdom will increase. He is punished by the thought, "I have done evil", and is even more punished when he comes to a bad state. Register now to get updates on promotions and. Self Knowing that one is dear to oneself, one should guard oneself well. One is just advanced in years, and called "grown old in vain". dhammapada gatha

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Dhammapada - Wikipedia

The great tusker is thinking of the elephant forest. BuddhadattaColombo Apothecaries, ? The blight of a giver is meanness. Don't have dha,mapada cry out, "This is terrible" as you burn. Therefore one should train oneself, like a merchant does a thoroughbred horse. Happiness Happy indeed we live who are free from hatred among those who still hate.

dhammapada gatha

How could a man full of desires and greed be a man of religion? He has removed the arrows of changing existence. Long is the road for the dhammapadda.

You can select only upto 4 items to compare. For one out of the three watches of the night a wise man should keep watch. He is just a supercilious person if he still has possessions of his own. If a man hold himself dear, let him watch himself carefully; during one at least out of the three watches a wise man should be watchful.

If you do people will speak to you in the same way. It is oneself who is hard to train. This is the eternal law.

dhammapada gatha

Faults You are now like a withered leaf. It is often most instructive though to compare some of the verses in these different collections. The inflow of thoughts in such recollected and aware people simply dies away.

Death's messengers themselves are in your presence. Anger does not cease in those who harbour this sort of thought.

If you are a new user Register login. The blight of beauty is laziness, and carelessness is the blight of a guard.

Suffering does nor gattha him who is without attachment to names and forms, and possesses nothing of his own. Merit is good at the close of life, and the elimination of all suffering is good. They are settled by freedom from hatred.


One is one's own refuge, what other refuge can there be?? The interrelation of these different versions has been obscured by constant contamination in the course of the text transmission. There is no stopping off place on the way, and provisions for the road you have none.

dhammapada gatha

Explore More Religions Books. Try new Snapdeal App for higher exchange discount. Overcome meanness with generosity, and overcome a liar with truthfulness. He is not born anywhere, but where that seer is born, the people prosper. It is always painful to live with fools, like with an enemy, but a wise man is good to live with, like meeting up with relatives. Bad deeds, and deeds hurtful to ourselves, are easy to do; what is beneficial and good, that is very difficult to do.

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